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Medical Services

If your pet needs medical assistance, you can feel confident turning to us. Our knowledgeable staff and modern facilities are equipped to handle a wide variety of medical conditions, including emergencies. Because we can perform many diagnostic procedures in-house, we can often give you immediate answers and start treating your pet faster. In some cases, your pet may require hospitalization and further diagnostic tests. Please take a look at the more detailed descriptions of medical services we offer, or call us to discuss your pet’s needs.

Laser Therapy


Does your pet suffer from chronic pain? Has a recent surgery or injury slowed your normally active companion down?

At Bellaire Animal Hospital, we believe that when it comes to caring for your cherished companion, you should have as many choices as possible. That’s why we’re pleased to offer laser therapy as part of our comprehensive suite of services. The laser uses painless waves of light to treat areas of the body that are experiencing pain or have suffered trauma. This triggers a natural response without the need for medication or other invasive measures. As a result, your loved one can enjoy decreased pain, enhanced mobility and shorter recovery periods.

What is veterinary laser therapy?

Laser therapy is a painless, non-invasive form of treatment which stimulates the body’s natural healing and pain control response. It can be used as a standalone therapy or as a complement to other treatment methods. Using a small, handheld device, the doctor applies a low level laser to the area on question, stimulating normal cellular function. This results in faster wound healing and enhanced pain relief. Best of all, because laser therapy requires no medication or surgery, there are no harmful side effects.

What are the benefits of laser therapy?

· Anti-Inflammation – Decreases swelling from· Anti-Inflammation – Decreases swelling frombruising/inflammation

· Anti-Pain – Blocks pain by decreasing nerve sensitivity

· Accelerates Tissue Repair, Cell Growth and Nerve Function

· Improves Circulation· Accelerates Healing and Reduces Scarring

What can laser therapy treat?

Laser therapy can be used to address a broad spectrum of conditions, including:

· Arthritis· Arthritis· Disc Disease

· Hip Dysplasia· Degenerative Joint Disease

· Sprains and Strains

· Cranial Cruciate Ligament

· Dental Problems

· Chronic Pain and Inflammation

· Dermatological Conditions

· Lick Granulomas

How many sessions will my pet need?

Because every pet is different, their response to laser therapy is equally unique. Depending on your loved one’s specific condition, its severity and a number of other determining factors, treatment strategies will vary. For some patients, positive results can be seen after just one session. Others may require a more long-term strategy to achieve the desired outcome. We will provide you with an individual treatment recommendation once we’ve had the opportunity to evaluate your companion’s situation.
Does your four-legged family member suffer from a chronic medical condition, like arthritis? Has a recent injury or surgery negatively impacted your companion’s lifestyle or quality of life? If so, we invite you to reach out today to learn whether the laser therapy services at Bellaire Animal Hospital could help.



Has your pet been acting unusual? Are you concerned that an illness or injury may be to blame?

When people get sick or hurt, they go to the doctor, explain their symptoms and receive the appropriate care. With pets, it’s not always this straightforward. Because our furry family members can’t speak, they can’t tell us when something is bothering them. What’s more, many animals are able to hide the signs of illness for long periods of time. All the while, the condition is able to develop and worsen.

In cases such as these, we rely on veterinary diagnostics to get the answers we need. These tools and technologies allow us to conduct an in-depth evaluation of your pet’s health, both externally and internally. By gathering a complete picture of your pet’s condition, we’re better able to diagnose and treat health problems in a timely manner. Faster diagnosis of illness and injury can vastly improve the chances of a positive outcome for your companion. Bellaire Animal Hospital is pleased to offer a broad array of diagnostic services.

In-House Laboratory

Our hospital features an on-site diagnostic laboratory, which makes it fast and efficient to run a wide variety of tests. In many cases, we can have results within just minutes. This means we can have a treatment plan in place before you and your best friend even leave the exam room. The ability to run blood work, urinalysis and other tests in-house is especially beneficial for critical cases when time is of the essence. Laboratory work is also available for routine health screenings as part of your pet’s wellness care.

Advanced Imaging

In some instances, a physical exam and lab work simply aren’t enough to effectively assess your pet’s condition. That’s why we also offer advanced imaging services. Our digital x-rays allow us to look inside your pet’s body and learn precisely what’s ailing him or her. We can use imaging to evaluate the bones and internal organs, identifying injuries, diagnosing illness and determining its severity. Images can be analyzed by our doctors in real-time or shared electronically with specialists if necessary.  Be sure to ask us about our new ‘Digital Dental X-ray’ set!

If your pet has been acting a bit out of sorts lately, don’t take chances. Give us a call right away. We’ll get to the bottom of the problem and get your furry family member back on the path to good health again.

Are you feeling nervous about your pet’s upcoming surgery?

Bringing a family member in for an operation is never easy, regardless of whether they happen to have two legs or four. At Bellaire Animal Hospital, we want you to know we understand what you’re going through. That’s because we’re pet owners too. Each member of our team has experienced the uneasiness of surgery with our own animal companions. That’s why we go out of our way to ensure that every procedure performed in our clinic is as stress-free as possible. You can rest assured that your loved one will be in excellent hands with us.

Pre-Surgical Care

Our process begins with thorough preoperative screening. This helps us to uncover and prepare for potential concerns so we can reduce the risk of complications for your pet. We will also develop a strategy for keeping your best friend comfortable and pain-free — before, during and following surgery. We use the safest, most effective pain control medication and customize our approach to each individual patient.

Your Pet’s Surgery

Regardless of whether it’s a routine spay or neuter, or a more complex procedure, your loved one’s surgery will be our highest priority. From the moment you arrive, we will be there to ease your mind and help keep your pet calm and relaxed. Any last-minute questions that arise will be answered as we get your companion settled in and prepared for surgery.
Once safely sedated, our team will complete the procedure as efficiently as possible. As the doctor works, our dedicated support staff will be present at all times, assisting with surgery and closely monitoring your pet’s well-being. Our surgical suite is outfitted with modern monitoring equipment which helps us track your pet’s vital signs and pain levels.

Discharge and Post-Surgical Care

When surgery is complete, we’ll gently relocate your companion to our safe, quiet recovery area. As the anesthesia begins to wear off, our staff will be there to offer comfort and reassurance. We want to make the experience as calm as possible. When you arrive to pick up your pet, we will go over our aftercare instructions, including a plan for pain management. We want to ensure that your loved one recovers as quickly and comfortably as possible.
Pet surgery doesn’t have to be a source of anxiety, especially if you’ve got the experienced team at Bellaire Animal Hospital in your corner. Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help with all of your companion’s surgical care needs.

Nutrition & Weight Management



Are your pet’s nutritional needs really being met?

If you’ve ever read the back of your pet’s food package, you know how many ingredients there are. Many of these things are hard to pronounce, let alone understand. Let’s face it: the topics of nutrition and weight control can be confusing, even for the most seasoned pet parent. If you need a little guidance in this area, you’re not alone. More importantly, we’re here to help! Bellaire Animal Hospital offers professional advice on nutrition, weight control and more to keep your companion fit for life!

A Balanced Diet

What your four-legged family member consumes can mean the difference between simply surviving and truly thriving. Yet with literally hundreds of different foods to choose from, figuring out which one is the right fit can be challenging. Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in identifying the unique nutritional needs of each patient. We can assess your pet and determine just what food would be perfect for him or her. We’ll even advise you on how much and how often you should be feeding your pet for optimum results.

The Right Weight

A few extra pounds for a human may be no big deal but, for a dog or cat, it can lead to serious health problems. Obesity can even shorten a pet’s life. That’s why making sure that your loved one maintains a healthy weight is so important. We can help by determining which range would be ideal for your particular pet and then developing a strategy for achieving that goal. Through things like proper diet, exercise and calorie control, we’ll get that little guy or gal fit in no time!

Ongoing Maintenance

As your companion ages, his or her nutritional and weight control needs will inevitably change. In order for us to continue achieving the desired results, we must make sure that our approach also evolves. At certain life stages, such as the transition from youth into adulthood, we’ll evaluate our plan and make any necessary adjustments. This will improve the chances of your pet staying in tip-top shape throughout his or her entire life.

Give the experienced team at Bellaire Animal Hospital a call today to get started. We can design a customized diet and exercise plan that will bring out the very best in your furry friend.

Allergies and Dermatology



Is your pet’s itchy skin keeping you both up at night?

There are many different ailments that can affect a companion animal’s skin. Whether it’s a topical problem, like a hot spot or rash, or something more in-depth like an infection, the symptoms can be unpleasant. You don’t want to see your pal suffer like that, and neither do we! That’s why Bellaire Animal Hospital offers professional pet allergy and dermatology services as part of our comprehensive system of care. We want to help get your loved one as healthy on the outside as on the inside.

Diagnosing the Problem

The first step toward helping your best friend feel better again is identifying the precise condition he or she is experiencing. Our hospital is outfitted with an in-house laboratory, which allows us to run a number of diagnostic tests quickly and efficiently. We may be able to tell what’s wrong just by examining your pet, or we may need to investigate further. Blood work, skin scrapings and biopsies help us get the answers we need to move forward with a cure.

Some of the dermatological issues we can provide assistance with include:

1. Allergies (food and/or environmental)

2. Infections (acute or chronic)

3. Parasites

4. Dermatitis

5. Hormonal disorders

6. Autoimmune diseases

7. Tumors

8. Skin cancer

Developing a Treatment Plan

To determine how best to treat the problem, we will consider a number of unique factors. This allows us to develop a tailor-made approach just for your pet, designed to achieve the best possible results. Depending on the situation, we may recommend something as simple as applying a topical cream. More complex conditions may call for a combination of treatment methods.

Allergies require a little more work to manage. Once we understand what’s causing your pet’s reactions, we will work toward a solution that will eliminate outbreaks as much as possible. Some allergies can be managed through lifestyle changes, such as switching food products. Others may require a longer-term strategy. Our recommendations will be based on your loved one’s specific needs. Signs of a possible skin problem include:

1. Excessive scratching

2. Scabbing or flaking of the skin

3. Hot spots

4. Shedding more than usual

5. Biting, chewing or licking at the affected area

6. Bumps or lumps on or under the skin

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, it’s time to schedule an appointment with the Bellaire Animal Hospital team. We can help your loved one live a more comfortable life.

Wellness Care and Vaccinations



Do you want to know the secret to helping your pet enjoy a long, happy and healthy life?
As loving pet parents, we want our animal companions by our side for as many years as possible. At Bellaire Animal Hospital, we believe the best way to ensure this happens is by making a commitment to their ongoing wellness. By bringing your pet in for regular checkups, you’ll help protect him or her from many of the common ailments that can affect companion animals. You’ll also give us the opportunity to identify and address potential health problems early, before they have chance to develop and worsen. These simple things can add years to your furry family member’s life.

An Ounce of Prevention

Our wellness services are comprehensive and extremely thorough, because we want to do everything in our power to keep your four-legged friend healthy. At each visit, the doctor will examine your pet from nose to tail, looking for anything out of the ordinary. We will also develop and implement a customized preventative care plan tailored to your pet’s unique needs, lifestyle and risk factors. This will include vaccines, parasite control, nutrition and weight management and anything else we deem relevant to your companion.

Ongoing Health Management

Wellness visits also provide us with regular snapshots of your loved one’s health status at each appointment. We can then compare this information against previous exams to identify any changes. This allows us to detect the signs of illness early and develop an effective treatment plan in a timely manner. With many ailments, an early diagnosis can vastly improve the outcome for your pet. The more we stay on top of these things, the better chance we’ll have of extending and improving the quality of your companion’s life.

Getting to Know You

Finally, annual visits give all of us at Bellaire Animal Hospital the chance to truly get to know you and your pet. Developing a relationship with you and forging a bond with your animal friend is an integral part of the care we provide. This allows us to partner with you in managing your loved one’s health, and also makes visiting the vet a more positive experience. The more we understand your companion’s needs, the more precisely and effectively we can develop a health care plan.

You want to see that special little guy or gal enjoy many wonderful years. At Bellaire Animal Hospital, we’d love to help you achieve that goal. Call us today and let’s get started!

Behavioral Counseling


Is unwanted behavior driving a wedge between you and your animal family member?

Pets act out in a number of ways, and many of their behaviors can be quite unpleasant. Whether it’s a simple house training issue or something more serious, like aggression, bad behavior can be stressful for everyone. In fact, it’s the number one reason why people relinquish their pets to shelters. At Bellaire Animal Hospital, we want to step in before it gets to that point. Our team is experienced in companion animal behavior and can provide the guidance you need to restore peace and balance back into your home.

Understanding the Problem

The key to overcoming behavior issues in animals is identifying the precise problem. First, we must examine your companion to rule out any potential medical causes. Many ailments have symptoms that can be easily mistaken for bad behavior. For instance, a cat that urinates outside the litter box may not be acting out, but actually be experiencing a health issue. We must eliminate this possibility before moving forward.

Once your best friend has been given a clean bill of health, the next step is pinpointing the true behavior we’re dealing with. This is critical because in many cases, a bigger problem may manifest itself in several smaller ways. For example, destructive behavior when left alone may actually be a symptom of separation anxiety. We will work with you and your pet to determine precisely what the situation is so we can address it most effectively.
Some of the behavior problems we can provide assistance with include:

· House training

· House training

· Excessive barking

· Jumping

· Digging

· Biting

· Destructive behavior

· Aggression

· Fear/anxiety

A Plan That Gets Results

With a correct diagnosis in hand, the next step is developing a strategy for overcoming the behavior problem once and for all. There are a number of different ways we can approach a behavior issue. Whether it’s positive reinforcement, rewards, training or something else, we’ll work with you to create a customized plan that gets results.

Don’t let unwanted behavior stand in the way of bonding with your animal friend. We can help you enjoy the loving, peaceful relationship you both deserve. Give the experienced professionals at Bellaire Animal Hospital a call today to get started



Do you need someone to look after your animal family member the next time you have to leave town?

Why not trust the skilled, compassionate team at Bellaire Animal Hospital? We’ve got all of the services, amenities and perks needed to become your loved one’s home away from home. Our full service boarding includes comfortable accommodations, delicious meals, daily exercise and plenty of TLC from our loving staff members. When you can’t be there to provide your pet with the love and attention he or she deserves, we will!

Our beautiful, spacious boarding area has been designed to accommodate pets of all sizes and provide as comfortable a stay as possible. Your companion will be cared for by a friendly face he or she is already familiar with while you are away.

We have a unique “open door” policy, which means pet parents enjoy 24/7 access to our boarding facility. This allows prescheduled drop off and pick up times after hours and on Sundays. This is particularly beneficial to people who are visiting on vacation. At any time during your pet’s stay, you can pick them up, play for the day, then bring them back late with no time restrictions.

Boarding guests enjoy a number of amenities, including but not limited to:

· Individual housing· Individual housing

· Individual runs with indoor/outdoor access

· Cages are sanitized daily

· Constant supply of clean, fresh water

· Clean bedding is provided and changed regularly

· Cats have their own area, away from canine guests, to lounge

· We can administer any medication or take care of any other special needs· Additional walks and bathing can be provided upon request

For the safety and comfort of our staff and other guests, we require all animals be up to date on all required vaccinations upon arrival. All boarders must also be free of any parasites. Should you need any of these things taken care of, simply give us a call in advance of your pet’s scheduled stay. We can get your loved one prepared for a safe, healthy and fun visit with us! If you’d like a tour of our boarding area, just ask! We’d be happy to show you around!

Traveling can be stressful enough without the added worry of how your pet is doing in your absence. Let the boarding services at Bellaire Animal Hospitalprovide you with the peace of mind you need to enjoy your time away. Contact us today to schedule your companion’s next stay with us!

Radiology (X-rays)


When we need to figure out what’s wrong with your pet, we routinely use x-rays to help identify the cause of the problem, rule out possible problems, or provide a list of possible causes. We may also use x-rays during a wellness exam to diagnose potential problems before they become serious.

X-rays provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart, and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). We use radiology alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic tools. Interpretation of radiographs requires great skill on the part of the veterinarian.

We are proud to offer digital radiology (x-rays that are captured digitally rather than on film). This state-of-the-art technology allows us to provide you with a quicker diagnosis for your pet. Plus, it uses less radiation than traditional x-rays.

To avoid a blurry image, pets need to remain completely still while an x-ray is taken. In some cases, we may need to sedate your pet or use short-acting general anesthesia.

If you have any questions about our radiology service or what to expect during your pet’s procedure, please don’t hesitate to ask.